September 13, 2024 - Downtown, Kent OH
PARTA Kent Central Gateway Brimfield Insurance Escott and Company Bella Roofing ZenBusiness Bonsky Heating & Cooling Holiday Inn Kent
Wayside Furniture Nutrl Bud Light Ganley Chevy

Open Mic Hosted By Pat Vaughn

Got music? Come play! Your host Patrick Vaughan’s blues-driven rockabilly that’ll kick-start your pulse, melody-rich ballads of love and loss, and an array of jangling, pump-your-fist protest cries for overdue change in our world’s state of affairs. If he’s not daydreaming out loud, recalling happiness or heartache, then he’s painting a picture of what it feels like to be here, and you can feel it in the music that Patrick’s talking to us all, whoever we are.

Pat Vaughn on ReverbNation