September 13, 2024 - Downtown, Kent OH
Bella Roofing Escott and Company Brimfield Insurance PARTA Kent Central Gateway Bonsky Heating & Cooling Holiday Inn Kent ZenBusiness
Wayside Furniture Nutrl Bud Light Ganley Chevy

Martha’s Mistake

Martha’s Mistake’s signature sound is based on strong, fluid harmonies.

Martha’s Mistake is a band of women who are all singer/songwriters. Karyn Morgan is our main singer/songwriter who has been performing and writing music for decades. We sing a wide variety of musical styles, ranging from original Christian music, a blend of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, modern country music as well as Celtic Folk, top all that off with a little Alicia Keyes and we are good to go!

One of Karyn’s passions is to create synergy by blending several songs together. This has been a trademark of the MM girls! Our favorite sounds come from tight three and four part harmonies, where you can’t tell who’s singing which part.

Karyn Morgan, Tracy Kinney and Kathy Camille make up this band of singer/songwriters.

Martha's Mistake on Facebook